Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Preventing Workplace Discrimination Essay

variety undermines employee loyalty, destroys employee morale, and reduces productivity and work quality. It can also carry on to high-priced and painful lawsuits and do irreparable maltreat to a partnerships reputation (Guerin & DelPo, 2007, p. 119). Preventing piece of work discrimination, thitherfore, is important to companies because this go forth make an organization stronger and go away fork out the employees a more harmonious functional surround.Discrimination can take several forms and there are more than one way of managing such(prenominal) situations, which was show by the simulation utilization. One of the neat actions a partnership can show is by non accommodating mess with disabilities because they believe that these people are not as competent and honorable as people who do not capture disabilities. The simulation had an exercise where in job advertisements were shown and the exploiter had to touch on the phrases that can come across as discriminating. One of the phrases in the simulation say that the company impoverishmented an employee that was fully mobile to run around to meet client needs, which was discriminating to people with disabilities, specifically those who are in wheelchairs. This exercise teaches companies not to test employees based on their physical abilities. If a mortal wishes to apply for a certain position, the company should allow him or her and visit if he or she is loose of doing the required tasks without his or her disability becoming in the way of his or her work.The job advertisement exercise also required the user to determine a discriminating phrase regarding drug use and annoyance wherein future employees will be required to bump to drug testing. There is nothing wrong with absentminded to know if a person has drug problems because it will ultimately be for the best of the company. However, this should not be included in job advertisements because one, it is discriminating, and two, pre-em ployment tests usually lot drug testing so the company should not worry about it.It is also important for companies to determine a job-seekers attitude regarding work to see if he or she has the same drive that the company is looking for. No one wants to hire individual who has no passion for the work that he or she applying for. This will moreover be a godforsaken of time and money for both parties. The simulation demonstrated this by including some facts about the five applicants that were shortlisted for the positions. discipline like religious beliefs and practices and personal stands regarding important discipline issues are included for the benefit of the human pick department.Title VII can definitely overrule the employment environment and conditions detailed in a written employment contain between an employer and an employee because claim VII is a federal law and should be followed no matter what the written employment contract indicates. In addition, employees sh ould not agree to a written employee contract that does not conform to the conditions that are tell in title VII because this can only lead to legal problems in the future when they showdown discriminating practices in the workplace environment.In conclusion, companies need to remember that they have to adhere to the conditions that are stated in title VII to avoid costly lawsuits and prevent their reputation from being destroyed. They have to provide a fair and unbiased working environment to employees, future or tenured, to maintain a merged organization that will work toward the success of the company. name

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