Saturday, August 3, 2019

College Admissions Essay: An Intense Learning Experience :: College Admissions Essays

An Intense Learning Experience    My semester of study abroad is best described as an intense learning experience, without which I feel that my education would have been incomplete. The lessons learned were far different from those I encountered in high school, but of equal or greater importance. I gained new perspective about international affairs and also found I was challenged as an individual to grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally. There is no doubt that this experience has changed me, and I am certainly better for it.    The most obvious gain from my study abroad was the academic coursework for that semester. I studied Shakespeare in London, and was able to visit not only the Globe Theatre, but also parts of the city that existed during the Elizabethan period. Another course, which focused on the history of East End London, took us through the dynamic past of this problematic portion of the city, not just with texts, but walking tours through the East End. My theatre course likewise capitalized on the opportunities unique to London, incorporating nine of the several hundred shows that were running in the city throughout the spring semester. This course supplemented my internship experience, in which I took a part-time position at the Bridewell Theatre, and small fringe theatre in the heart of the city. The internship was the most beneficial component of the academic program, in that I was immersed in British culture through biweekly interaction (2 workdays) with the Bridewell staff. I was able to wit ness the inner-workings of its administration, and observe some of the problems facing London theatres in general.    Outside the classroom, the study abroad experience provided for constant change and self-reflection. I learned to recognize my own hidden prejudices and confront them, as my beliefs were constantly challenged by experiences and people I encountered. For someone who had never traveled outside the United States, this experience led me to perceive my own nation in a different way, and to confront feelings of both pride and shame in my background. While a challenging and shocking change, this has led me to define and strengthen my beliefs and opinions while gaining a new understanding for different perspectives.

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