Sunday, September 8, 2019

Air Pollution in Beijing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Air Pollution in Beijing - Essay Example Notably, PM2.5 is most usually associated with cardiovascular deaths as shown by most cohort studies. Notably, the focus on the above statement of PM is basically correct. Automatically, air emissions in conjunction with PM2.5 particles are generally responsible for cardiovascular diseases which causes health hazard to human being. Coal consumption is another huge factor that constitutes the challenge of air pollution in Beijing. In order to manage this pollution, the government of China must control the regional total coal consumption; replace urban coal consumption with another energy source and treatment of coal pollutant. Therefore, in order to cope with the severe air pollution brought about by coal combustion, pollutants such as nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide emission should be piped. In this regard, the state has come up with a DE-Nox subsiding scheme that releases thermal power industry pollution emission standards (GB3096-2012) that require all existing power plants to me et tighter pollutant emissions limits by 2014 (Greenpeace, 2012).In addition, it has recommended the shutdown of coal-fired industry boilers or their replacement with a more cleaner-energy industries. Disregard to environmental laws by citizens is another cause of the air pollution in Beijing. Currently, China`s charges for atmospheric pollutants are far much lower than the set costs of end of pipe contamination control. This has, to some extent, disheartened many enterprises from creating changes, and made it difficult to clearly define lawful and illegal pollutant discharging. A hike in pollution emission charges and strengthened supervision hard work could help make unlawful... This essay focuses mostly on air pollution levels in the capital city of China, Beijing, that has overtime become an ever increasing issue among environmentalist and residents in China. As the researcher states, any hopes of resolving this national calamity seems like just a mere dream. According to Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center, the current quality of air is reported to be above 300, which is considered hazardous by the World Health Organization. This is because dense smog hangs down the atmosphere affecting the people of Beijing. The monitoring stations also observed that atmospheric particulates known as PM 2.5 are mostly responsible for air pollution in Beijing. The researcher explaines the PM 2.5 can be described as small, invisible particles which affect and damage respiratory system. In conclusion it is summed up that, Beijing is a city powered by coal-fired electricity stations, which are responsible for air pollution and which continues to have potentiall y lethal impacts on China`s urban population. Polluted air consists of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds, which affect the respiratory system. When inhaled, they adversely affect the body by contributing to numerous respiratory problems, certainly for people susceptible to allergic reactions and asthmatic condition. Therefore, the researcher reccomends that the Chinese government should work on a plan on how to reduce air pollution more and make the atmosphere clean for all citizens.

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